The latest machine that improves all kinds of skin problems

POTENZA inserts a fine needle under the skin and irradiates RF (high frequency) from the tip of the needle to give thermal energy to the dermis layer, and treats all kinds of skin problems such as acne, acne scars, pores, fine wrinkles, melasma and redness.

Recommended for those who have such a desire.

  • Want to tighten sagging
  • Want to make my skin firm
  • Want to treat skin quality, pores, and fine wrinkles
  • Want to treat my acne scars
  • Want to treat melasma
  • Want to treat redness of face

What is POTENZA?

Features of POTENZA




Redness・Pore treatment

Acne treatment

The doctor will carefully perform needle treatment one by one to treat acne that repeatedly appears in the same area.
By pinpointing RF to the area where acne occurs, we destroy the sebaceous glands that cause acne and treat recurring acne from the root.
Especially recommended for recurring acne on the chin, cheeks, and forehead.


HIFU is a treatment that irradiates high-density ultrasonic waves to generate point-like heat, tightens and lifts the fascia (SMAS layer) under the fat layer. HIFU is the only method that can approach the SMAS layer other than facelift surgery, in which the skin is incised with a scalpel and the loosened SMAS layer is pulled up.

On the other hand, POTENZA's diamond tip can efficiently heat a wide area by simultaneously irradiating a monopolar that applies heat deeply from the dermis to the subcutaneous tissue and a bipolar that applies heat shallowly from the epidermis to the upper dermis. increase. As a result, the collagen in the dermis layer is rebuilt, and the subcutaneous fat layer is contracted three-dimensionally to tighten the voluminous sagging.

By combining HIFU (ultrasound) and RF (high frequency) treatments with different mechanisms of action, thermal energy is applied to a wide range from the deep to the superficial layers of the skin, strongly promoting collagen production, resulting in a higher tightening effect and sagging. You can get improvement.

Flow from reservation to treatment

Period until effect manifestation

POTENZA has three functions: "skin tightening", "skin regeneration" and "drug delivery system". Of these, the skin tightening effect by high-frequency thermal coagulation has a quick effect, and it is said that the effect of tightening skin sagging and pores can be easily felt even with a single treatment.

On the other hand, the effects of skin regeneration by needles and radio waves and drugs appear through steps such as increasing collagen and elastin by working on fibroblasts in the dermis layer, so they appear slowly over 1 to 3 months.

Recommended treatment interval

Treatment intervals are generally once a month. If you do the treatment about 3 to 5 times, you can feel a higher effect.

Pain, side effects, downtime


POTENZA is generally said to be less painful. Depending on the content of the procedure, such as a diamond tip that does not use a needle, the procedure can be performed without anesthesia.

Side effects
  • Redness…Usually disappears in a few hours.
  • Internal bleeding…It usually disappears in about 7 to 10 days.
  • Fine scabs and peeling…It is important not to rub or forcibly peel them off, as they will naturally come off in about a week to 10 days.
  • Temporary worsening of acne…After treatment, pores may be clogged due to inflammation and swelling, resulting in temporary acne.
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: It is rare, but if it does occur, take thorough measures against UV rays and avoid irritation in order to prevent it from prolonging.
  • For some people, needle marks remain for 3 days to 1 week, but they can be hidden with make-up.
  • You can take a shower and wash your face on the day of treatment, but be careful not to rub your face.
  • Please refrain from strenuous exercise, sauna, and alcohol on the day of surgery.
  • For about a week before and after the treatment, avoid using home care products that contain irritating ingredients such as retinol and hydroquinone, facial cleansing foams containing scrubs, and peeling products.
  • Melasma treatment, diamond tip, and SFA tip can be applied on the same day. For other treatments, makeup can be applied from the next day.

Those who cannot receive treatment

  • Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • If you are using an implantable defibrillator
  • Persons with skin diseases
  • People with bleeding disorders
  • People with metal allergies
  • Those with keloid constitution
  • Those with gold threads or plates

Price list (tax included) * Surface anesthesia fee included

Diamond Tip 500shot【Trial price】
Diamond Tip 500shot
Redness / Pores【Trial price】
Redness / Pores
Beautiful skin (SFA Tip)【Trial price】
Beautiful skin (SFA Tip)
Drug delivery McCoom【Trial price】
Drug delivery Botulinum Toxin【Trial price】
Drug delivery Botulinum Toxin
Drug delivery McCoom
Drug delivery Exosome【Trial price】
Drug delivery Exosome
Active acne (5-10 lesions)
¥2,500 / lesion
Active acne (11 or more)
¥1,500 / lesion

*Diamond chip is ¥11,000 off when combined with HIFU (Cannot be combined with trial price. ¥5,500 off if one is trial price)
*10% off for 3 sets, 20% off for 5 sets
・Approval under the Medical Products and Medical Devices Act: Unapproved
・Acquisition route: Imported through a domestic authorized agent (Jeisys Medical)
・There is no equivalent level approval machine in Japan
・We have acquired MFDS (former KFDA) in South Korea and CE mark in Europe.

Beautiful skin


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