Doctor Introduction

Greetings from Director Shota Takehara

Dr. Shota Takehara


Graduated from the University of the Ryukyus School of Medicine in 2014. After completing initial clinical training at a university hospital, studied in the Department of Radiology. While specializing in cancer treatment, he keenly felt that reducing the number of people who get sick was the most important thing, and decided to devote himself to medical slimming as a new option for preventive medicine. After serving as director of Naha city cosmetic dermatology, accumulated knowledge and skills in the free medical field including cosmetic dermatology.
In 2023, “BLAZE CLINIC” will open in Omoromachi, Naha City. Based on the concept of “leading to a brighter future,” he is active as a medical diet and beauty professional.

<Academic societies and qualifications>

  • Radiologist
  • Radiation oncologist
  • Anti-aging specialist

New options for fighting obesity

Thank you for visiting our website. I am Shota Takehara, director of BLAZE CLINIC.
After graduating from the University of the Ryukyus School of Medicine in 2014, I engaged in radiotherapy, one of the specialized fields of cancer treatment.
It was rewarding to be involved in the treatment of many cancer patients, but most of the advanced cancers cannot be completely cured with current medical care, and I often felt helpless.
In particular, I had mastered the technique of endovascular treatment, in which anticancer drugs are administered only to the diseased part, not the whole body. Even if a complete cure cannot be hoped for, he was deeply involved in treatment to prolong the prognosis as much as possible by aggressively treating only the bad lesions. However, many patients continue to receive treatment every month while enduring side effects such as nausea. It was every day that made me think about.

Whether or not cancer can be cured depends largely on how advanced it is at the time it is found, so prevention and early detection are of utmost importance. Even though I know in my head that cancer treatment is very meaningful, I always have doubts in my heart, saying, "Can't I use my power as a doctor to reduce the number of people who get sick, instead of treating the disease?" "Isn't there something I can do to help each individual live their own life?"

Smoking is probably the most well-known cause of cancer. In fact, 30% of cancers are related to smoking. But more than smoking, 35% of cancers are actually linked to obesity. Furthermore, obesity is a cause of lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia, so it can be said that it is the “source of all kinds of diseases”.

At present, obesity measures rely on individual efforts, such as "restricting diet" and "exercising hard." These are certainly essential for a healthy body. However, it is also true that there are many people who say, "Even though I know, I am in trouble because I can't do it." Rather than abandoning such people at their own risk, we will support them with the power of medical care and lead them to a healthy life without difficulty. A new option called “medical diet” makes this possible.

In recent years, the number of clinics specializing in medical diets has been increasing, mainly in the capital area. However, in Okinawa, the medical diet was offered as one of the many menus such as major beauty clinics. Therefore, I decided to open the first medical diet clinic in Okinawa to seriously tackle obesity in Okinawa.

A clinic that leads to a bright future

Value the closeness

As a doctor, I am proud to say that I maintain a healthy figure. However, I used to suffer from obesity.
By exercising and restricting my diet, I was able to reduce my maximum weight from 85kg to 68kg in one year. I am 34 years old and still maintaining that weight.

What I felt after going on a diet myself is that "a diet cannot be achieved by one person alone."
By declaring my diet to my close friends, I was able to get support when I felt like I was giving in to my desires or when I wanted to escape to something easier. If I had been secretly dieting by myself, I think I would have given up on trying to lose weight.
Based on this experience, I have made it a policy to continue to stay close to patients until they achieve their goals as the greatest supporter for patients with body shape concerns.

There is a trend that obesity is self-responsibility. In addition, most measures against obesity rely on individual efforts, such as dietary restrictions and exercise. This will increase the number of people who say, "I really want to lose weight, but I don't have anyone to rely on, and I don't know where to start."
We are a clinic made for such people.
We sincerely listen to each patient's pain and worries and guide them to their ideal figure. The most important thing for us is to build a relationship of trust that can never be obtained in a busy clinic.

To the bright future ahead of the diet

Burn fat, get a healthy and beautiful body, and move on to a bright future. I named it BLAZE CLINIC because I wanted to make it such a clinic.

Based on my experience as the director of a cosmetic dermatology clinic during the process of learning about medical diets, BLAZE CLINIC provides total solutions for appearance concerns such as wrinkles, blemishes, and sagging skin.
Aesthetic medicine at our clinic specializes in non-cutting treatments and values ​​natural looking. In particular, we have received high praise for aging care, which requires long-term planning, and we are grateful that many patients visit us repeatedly.

We want to be a clinic that is loved for a long time by patients who are worried about their appearance. That is the wish of our hospital.
Thank you for meeting each and every one of us, and guide us to a bright future. BLAZE CLINIC is looking forward to your visit.